
Which of the following video would you like to share with teenagers for motivation?

Teen Stress
Self Motivation
Cell Phone Addiction
The Power of Youth

Nitish Kumar


Nitish : Known as the Sushan Babu of Bihar, Nitish Kumar is one of the few leaders who managed to keep his corruption free image . As a young boy Nitish was good in academics and pursued engineering as a career to join the electricity board in Bihar as a Junior Engineer, from his childhood Nitish was  inspired by many senior leaders of the times like Jayprakash Narayan and Anugrah Narayan Singh. It was during the JP movement that Nitish formally entered politics and since then he has never looked back. He is not only known for his exceptional developmental work as the chief minister of Bihar but also as a Union minister during the NDA government he did make some important decisions which revolutionised those departments forever. In situations where a lot of politicians might feel uncomfortable taking decisions Nitish proved that he is one of the best decision makers whether it was resigning from his post of the chief minister in 2014 and leaving NDA or breaking the Mahagathbandhan alliance Nitish has done what he feels is right for his politics and future and even his core enemies would agree that there is no one better than Nitish in contemporary politics who can make quick decisions even if they might seem difficult.From being a Jr. Engineer in the electricity department to the Chief Minister of the state Nitish has come a long way proving that he is no less than anyone else in the evil game of politics.


How many Presidents of US received Nobel Peace Prize


A far-right Norwegian legislator on Wednesday said that he has nominated US President Donald Trump for the 2021 

Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts towards furthering peace in the Middle East.

Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a member of Norway’s Progress Party, cited Trump’s role in the recent landmark 

agreement between Israel and the UAE, and said, “For his merit, I think (Trump) has done more trying to create 

peace between nations than most other peace prize nominees.”

This is the second time that Tybring-Gjedde has sought the award for Trump. In 2018, along with another 

Norwegian lawmaker, he had nominated the American leader for his work in reducing tensions between North and 

South Korea.

Trump, on his part, has repeatedly expressed his desire for being bestowed with the Peace honour. Earlier this year,

 he took partial credit for the award given in 2019 to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali, for the latter’s 

initiative in resolving Ethiopia’s border conflict with neighbouring Eritrea.

Referring to Ali, Trump had said, “I made a deal. I saved a country, and I just heard that the head of that country 

is now getting the Nobel Peace Prize for saving the country.”

This year’s Nobel Peace Prize is scheduled to be announced October 9. Should Trump win next year, he would become

 the fifth US President in history to be given the prestigious award.


Rota Amigos


Rotaract Club Of JIMS Vasant Kunj has took an initiative to organise one of the

biggest international fellowship event, Rota Amigos. It is a three days event to

celebrate cultural exchange, fellowship and creative talents with loads of

entertainment. This event will be organised from 15 th of Aug, 2020 to 17 th of

Aug, 2020. The main motive behind this event is to connect with people

around the globe. Keeping the current situation in mind, we are organizing this

interactive event through zoom.  Some of our Main events are: Rota Quiz,

Panel Discussion with DRR's, Talent show, Movie Night, DJ Night and Award



About the Organization

The Rotaract Club Of JIMS Vasant Kunj was started in the year 2018-19. It is an

institutional based club, which is fully governed by the students of Jagannath

International Management School. And the club has created numerous links

with other Rotaract Clubs around the globe. And they have also been

recognised by many awards from the Rotaract District 3012. In 2019-20,

Rotaract Club Of JIMS Vasant Kunj has been recognised by a social excellence

award from Mr. Sudhir Singla, MLA of Gurgaon. As of 2019, the club has 122

active members. In the past two years the club has taken many initiatives to

help the society. The club aspires to spread happiness among the unprivileged

children. The club’s only goal is to be a part of, bettering the society.

Some of our Main Projects have been mentioned below:

1. Blood Donation Camp: Rotaract Club Of JIMS Vasant Kunj has

organised two annual blood donation camps. A total of 186 units of

blood were collected.

2. Project Seva: Rotaract Club Of JIMS Vasant Kunj, has joined the fight

against hunger. This project was organized six times in the rota year

2019- 20.

3. Mask Donation Drive:

Rotaract Club of JIMS Vasant Kunj organised Mask Donation Drive. The

club had donated masks to the kids living in the slums of Andrews Ganj.

The main motive behind this event was to make the kids aware of the

causes of pollution, how pollution might harm humans and the

precautions of pollution.

4. Swachhta Programme:  

The Rotaract Club of JIMS Vasant Kunj has organised a program called

“SWACHHTA HI SEWA” in our college campus. All the students joined

their hands together for this good cause. The students took a broom,

pan & the dustbin and they collected all the waste near our college.

5. Plantation Drive:

Every year, two Plantation Drives are organised by Rotaract Club Of JIMS

Vasant Kunj. The first event was organised in Vasant Kunj DDA Flats. A

total of 30 samplings were planted. And the second event was organised

in Sanjay Van. This event witnessed the footfall of more than 300 people

and as per the stats more than 250 planting spots were covered on a

single day.

6. Project Ullas:

Rotaract Club of JIMS Vasant Kunj went to celebrate Diwali with the

children in slums. They distributed sweets, toffees, chocolates and diyas

to everyone and they celebrated Diwali with a lot of fun.

7. Stationery Drive:

Rotaract Club of JIMS Vasant Kunj organized a Stationary Drive for the

underprivileged children in Andrews Ganj Slums. Each child was

provided with notebooks, pencil pouches, scales, pencils, erasers,

sharpeners and crayons by the members of the drive.

8. Clothes Donation Drive:

Three clothes donation drives were conducted by the Rotaract Club Of

JIMS Vasant Kunj. The club had collected a bunch of warm clothes to

provide the poor people with a bit of warmth in chilly winter. The

Rotaractors gave away the collected woollens to the underprivileged

people near AIIMS Hospital and also near Green Park, Delhi.


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Which office superhero are you?

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In today's scenario when COVID-19 has taken over everything and there still seems to be no escape from studying, we have to resort to online classrooms. While many of us are enjoying online teaching and wish it to replace the traditional way of classroom teaching, many of us can't let go the habit of sitting on the 1st bench of the class. Take this quiz to find out if you are more of an online student or an offline student.

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